MERS Death Toll Climbs as Man Killed

MERS Death Toll Climbs as Man Killed
Deadly virus, which may be related to the origin of the camel, has claimed the lives of 68 in Saudi Arabia and caused panic among health care workers

Foreigners have died from the virus MERS in Saudi Arabia, the country's health ministry announced Saturday. Eight people, including five health workers, has also been recently infected with MERS, the ministry said.

Citizenship of a man 45 years old who died in the city of Jeddah has not been disclosed, AFP reported. His death brings the number of deaths Saudi Arabia MERS-related with 68, so that the countries most affected by the virus.

The origins of MERS, or the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, has baffled scientists, although studies suggest February camel may play a role in the deployment. MERS related to, but more deadly than (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus full article



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MERS Death Toll Climbs as Man Killed