The Most Convenient Way To Lose Weight Without Diet and Sports

The Most Convenient Way To Lose Weight Without Diet and Sports
The Most Convenient Way To Lose Weight Without Diet and Sports | The issue of weight is always an issue that ' haunts ' not only women , but also men . But sometimes problems weight loss is a problem that bother easy .

Many people who use various methods of diet and even using a variety of diet pills in order to have an ideal weight . However , it turns out there are some ways simple, easy , and efficient way to lose weight you know! Yuk listened !

1 . Begin the meal with a glass of drinking water .

By drinking water , the stomach will feel the sensation of fullness which can certainly reduce overeating

2 . Try a bit of variety in every meal menu

Start dressing your salad with olive oil dressing or choose fresh fruit instead of dried fruit can certainly reduce calorie food that goes into your body .

3 . Choose dark chocolate for dessert
Instead of storing snacks such as cookies or candy , it's good to start replacing cemilanmu with dark chocolate . Not only low in calories , dark chocolate also has a sense of delicacy tolerant enough for a healthy snack .

4 . Diligent control food portions

If you want to lose weight , it is important to control every portion of food that will be eaten . One way to take snacks to taste and place it on a small plate rather than have to eat it straight from the package .

5 . Lot of moving

If you do not have much time to exercise , change in body fat burning calories with a lot of moving around all day . For example with walking multiply , or start using the stairs instead of riding the elevator .BY yahooo



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The Most Convenient Way To Lose Weight Without Diet and Sports